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sustainable relations

Go to people, live with them, love them, learn from them. Start with what they know, build on what they have, and work with the leaders so when the work is done, people can say—We did this ourselves. -Lao Tzu With the goal of generating more capital for the Bakusekamajja lending pool, and encouraging the utilization of natural means to increase yields I began to design my project. Although it is constantlay changing to adjust to the challenges that arise, the root intention of the project is to create community gardens where methods of traditional agriculture are demonstrated and crops are cultivated to be sold in the market for income generation for the organization. I will provide them with the spaces and the seeds, and then they will be maintained without having to purchase inputs, but by using natural inputs such as manure as fertilizer and pesticides made from native plants. I feel it is important to make it a communal project because people are more apt to be involved in someth

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